Fitness permanent light dinner and a lot of water and fruit

From ancient times maintained queens on their body since the age of the Pharaohs will be said that Nefertiti Queen of Egypt Pharaonic developed the main principles of agility in the world were tracking diet contains to eat only fruit for a day of each week, or small doses of fresh fruit juices if you feel hungry and will not exceed a kilo and a half kilogram of fruit or juice while Eva Braun wife Hitler reduce the weight of 5-8 kilograms per month to allocate a full week to reduce the weight dealing with the fruits and some foods free of fat can also be tea, coffee, milk and carrot juice without added sugar with the need to exercise with this order, especially the Swedish and light exercise regularly

Here, d is recommended. Adel Abdel Aal avoid fruit calorie high a mango dates figs bananas, dried fruit, which contains large quantities of sugar, more fresh fruits and can eat more apple pear plum peach guava melon grapefruit, strawberries are the least fit on sugar, which adds calories, but advised not to completely abstain from sugar, so it must reduce to no more than 6 teaspoons per day because sugar is required for the body so as not to influence the deficiency in the activity of the body

There are tips and types of diet and diets and sports to lose and Fitness and the preservation of the weight of the different civilizations, we find the most agility such as France and China Tracking Systems mild and simple way in China to reduce weight based on the following basis of the exercise hour walking at least every day and eat in moderation and eat a cup of water warm morning and another in the evening diet France to lose in a week depends on the eating brewer's yeast Almzabp before meals three ten minutes before eating breakfast or lunch or dinner, focus on eating yeast by 18 Type vitamin especially vitamin B and can be mixed with milk or water to get a careful organization of the intestines especially In the case dealt with in the morning on an empty stomach

There are several grounds provided by the d. Adel Abdel Aal, the first water is the Ambassador of the diet and inattention lead to many health problems such as drought and cracked skin the appearance of wrinkles is said there that there are people who have managed to lose 30 kilometers of their weight with water in some types of obesity may occur retention of fluids in the body says Dr. Bernfelid that the water added during the drinking equivalent Water stored in adipose tissue and increases and decreases automatically with fatty tissue and this is what leads to the stability of weight use of water in the slimming has rules health drank water before, during or after meals is very useful because it has no calories as it leads to rid the body of food and a glass of water or more before food, one third of the hour includes the sense of hunger, said the Apostle, "if you drink one of you water Vlims Massa not Iebh Played" "do not drink one breath like drinking camel's back" but drink two or three, named if you drink and give thanks if you Frgtm To be water efficient can add one tablespoon vinegar to normal apple cider vinegar or the Prophet said "good Adamkm vinegar"

To escape loneliness. Adel Abdel Aal, the need to refrain completely from eating pickles, spices, spicy, ice cream soda food fried fatty foods and indispensability of the abolition of dinner just because it will lead to weight gain and weaken immunity rights, and cause to sag which may lead to heart disease, mental disorders and injury Bhsop bitterness, if I had for dinner is enough cup of yogurt or green salad dish soup in the winter and in order to succeed in preventing the dinner you drink water at dinner time and the practice of drawing a favorite hobby such as reading musical Chess, which makes your mind busy for dinner with a walk for an hour a day

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