Complementing the aboveFarmers sold than ever to open today,Farms United States, Canada and the Caribbean countries and farmers only a small part of the "final value" of foods contribute;What
raised on farms costs only 40 cents of the food dollar, the rest is
"value added" in the remaining steps in the chain: supply and
distribution and marketing. This explains why companies are seeking vertical integration. Why is making a lot of processed foods. The
first reduces the cost of inputs and the second offers opportunities to
increase the value of the product or the consumer price. Processed foodsThat
link to consumers in the United States and its neighbors such as Canada
and other dependent countries such foods, and increasingly people in
all high-income countries such as European countries and East Asia, and a
little bit of South America, inexpensive significantly, delicious, and
convenient to prepare. They are marketedIntensive and highly profitable for producers companies. Where the profit come from? In part, it comes from the use of subsidized goods
.But profits are also generated through the capture growingIts share of the market and the sale of the population more food - and calories - who needs it.In this marketing environment, and obesity are the guaranteesDamageBehavior ultimately antisocial and food industries - whether conscious or unintentional - is spreading globally. In high-income countries, it is everywhere, while in places where people have income of less disposable, but it is the camel's nose under the tent. Thus, effective strategies to reduceObesity may differ depending on penetration by industry - varyLeast-developed countries may still have more opportunities to avoid obesity, by getting ahead of the curve.Signs point to marketing efforts by the multinational food companies are appearing everywhere in the developing countries. In 2012, the New York Times reported that international sales represent half of the proceeds of the Pepsi-Cola Company, While three-fourths of Coca-Cola sales outside the United States occur; Both companies are American companies. According to Kraft (as in the United States) on a three-fold profit on the strength of overseas markets. The world's largest food, Nestle, based in Switzerland, with US $ 105 billion in sales, are scatteredEverywhere. Obesity rates are rising rapidly inThe developing world that this phenomenon in his name has risen: Moving nutrition.Likened to tobacco: the industry, which has encouraged deliberatelyChildren to become addicted to cigarettes at the earliestAs possible, and then continued to market cigarettes until wellOnce aware of the health risks. We now know the health risks of obesity, butFor the rest of the interview