Proper nutrition is one of the basic elements of the mind and a healthy body. Food is a basic condition of the body, and the material are also Spirit! No food, no spirit is still present in the human body. Food and how we eat it, have a decisive effect on the body and mind, and certainly the quality of our lives.
God, "and that in his mind of every neighborhood," gives us the material needs to have but leaves us to choose what to eat and how to eat - in the framework of Jewish law - so that the responsibility for the health and quality of life, to a large extent given us this experience!
The food was also a first-person experience. That attempt fails, eating from the tree of good evil caused by the curse of "eat bread by the sweat ... to dust" - the trouble to make a living and death. Working to fix bugs from eating the first person continues to this day. One of the amendments that we have to do, is the introduction of discipline in eating our: choose healthy foods, and eat the same amount and in the right. It will be our role in maintaining and improving the quality of health and life expectancy in Hashem service.
"Coarse body addressed to any person as a drug deaths and more than all ills, and most of the ills that come to someone who is not only, or bad food or because it fills the stomach and eat eat raw, even with good food. She said Solomon in his wisdom," keep his mouth and his tongue keeps away from the problems of his life "- meaning a mouth guard from eating bad food or Mlsboa and talk, but there." (Rambam laws d, o) diet prevents disease only, and also to work physically healthy is essential, mental ability and sense of improving public health.
The main focus is the worldwide food nutrition: what is healthy and what is not healthy and can be harmful. But in the Jewish Torah observant, you can approach the subject of healthy nutrition without addressing many of the commandments related to food. Torah teaches us detailed laws in all areas of food crops, and avoid preparing meat ban, and the separation of meat and milk, and more. The Bible also tells us what is involved in eating: Wash your hands before eating, greeting Hanehenin ethics, the words of the Torah at dinner, and a member of the tribunal. Eating is a job for the Jews and a means to the Creator. Thus, it plays a major role in our lives meals Saturday and good, Seder, eating in the sukkah, and celebrations. These commandments and leadership, they give the Jewish eat the sacred, causing his intestines to be blessed food, and said: "I had been working the Lord your God and bless your bread, and the dose and remove the disease from among you" (Ex. W, Y).
In all your ways acknowledge Him - "someone to guide his heart and all his given all knowledge of Mubarak's name will be on strike and Como and talk about compared to this thing is how and when to eat and drink ... do not put in his heart to do these things to enjoy alone, so we do not eat and drink, but sweet.? palate, etc., but put the heart to eat and drink for syllables (restored) in all the body and limbs. therefore, do not eat any palate wants and donkey dog, but to eat the useful things for the body, and if the elevators if fresh, or eat bad things on the body even though they are sweet palate "(Rambam laws of c, b).
It is not hard! Proper nutrition rules not too complicated nor too narrow as it seems. After that we begin to get a feel for the menu has changed and improved, we find that the exchange of new and old pleasures handsome, certainly, and improves the general feeling we have. When we try to change your eating habits, you may come across some difficulties. We must remember that all other cells suitable for us. Each person has to find the right person list, and give himself time to get used to it. We can not allow an abundance of suggestions and methods from all directions to confuse us. It's not that hard - generally replace old hatreds new pleasures!
Food groups
Different foods contain different combinations of diet and other useful components. Any one food that can meet all the food needs of the body needed enough. Nutrition experts divide the food into groups in order of importance, to assist us in choosing the right foods and quantities and the right of assembly in relation to a healthy and balanced diet.
Group 1 - bread and cereals - breads, cereals (wheat, barley, oats), rice, pasta, and the like, are the main source of positive energy from the body. These foods with complex carbohydrates, which are the "fuel combustion" of the body. Food grains and sugars provide energy for the body in an orderly and controlled, which makes you feel full and prevents overeating. To increase the nutritional value of food grains group, it is recommended and should be used in grain "full", such as wheat, oats, rice, pasta and whole wheat pasta. The bombing of low fat and rich in vitamins and fiber that helps to lower cholesterol and the activity of normal bowel grains. More importantly - that the grain once infected. You should check before use!
Group 2-3 - fruits and vegetables - fresh fruits and vegetables are the most important element in the list. They are especially rich in vitamins, minerals and other essential elements of the performance of health and prevention of diseases. Such as grains, fruits and vegetables also provide carbohydrates and fiber, which help the normal bowel activity. When there is a need to eat between meals, it is advisable for us to get used to eating vegetables, fresh fruit, dried nuts, high nutritional value of "snacks only. They meet the more and less fattening. It should be remembered - fruits and vegetables are widely pesticides scale. Therefore, and washing fruits and vegetables before eating them - a must! rule of fear touches, grabs even fruits and vegetables - should be checked before eating.
Group 4 - Dairy products - milk and dairy products (cheese and yogurt) is a staple food for the body. It is a rich source of protein and vitamins, but of major importance in the supply of calcium in the body. Calcium is essential for building bones and teeth, etc., and prevents bone loss (osteoporosis). Also, calcium is important for the proper functioning of nerves and muscles, and blood clotting. Display regulator of calcium is important at all ages, but is especially important in the age of growth, and in infants and young children. The results of recent studies on this subject show that the phenomenon of osteoporosis is very common among young people, so be sure to increase the amount of calcium in these age groups. Quota for dairy products, assembling nutritious menu, small in comparison with some of the first of the three food groups. Do not overeat high-fat dairy products. Sweetened dairy products, should be left in special cases as a dessert.
Group 5 - meat, poultry, fish, eggs and pulses - meat, poultry, fish, eggs, an important supply of proteins, essential for body building and public work properly cells. Legumes also contribute its share of the offer. The proportion of this group assembling nutritious list, as it is small compared with some of the first three groups of food. However, you should be careful enough protein growth, especially in infants aged children and youth. When placed on the list of meat and poultry, it is advisable to use a few parts fat. Also, do not overeat eggs, including high cholesterol in the blood.
Group 6 - fats and sugars - body fat and sugars necessary, but only to the extent !!! Most feeder contain naturally occurring sugars or fat or both: meat contain fat, and fat-free milk and sugar, and fruits contain sugar. This can be in the main menu daily, eat sugars and fats solution of the body, and there is no need for supplements. But by its very nature, a loved one is always rich and sweet foods, and are looking for ways to save this pleasure even after the required physical effort. Based on this trend, it has developed the food industry of enormous proportions, with the goal to achieve this need is satisfied more sophisticated ways, both in food production or marketing.
How can that be fed a healthy body? A large part of the food, fill the shelves of supermarkets and food stores stomach, too rich in fats and sugars, express or implied. Food, and we are preparing fried food in college, pastries and sweets, various desserts, soft drinks, etc., and also is not low in fat and sugars always. Therefore, in order to save it, and we must seek to develop a daily list of the first group specialties and reducing fat and sugar group. When we are sure of the validity of the list, nutritious and filling, we can not until a few special times of food to more fun, even if it is less healthy.
Commands us to delight and honor Saturday and holiday food and feast: "The call Saturday Oneg saint Lord honorable" (Isaiah Noah, M), "indulging in all sorts of delights ... reasons ... ... chicken fattened networks scented wines, delicacies and luxuries" ( Saturday lyrics) - all the joy of the spirit and the flesh. If so, we must reduce intake of foods rich and sweet Sabbaths, good days and celebrations and special occasions, and then only controls.
Salt - Salt private at his Jewish status. It also has an important function in the regulation of body fluids and blood pressure. You could be fooled into thinking that because of the salty taste, its use is limited to dietary supplements. But in fact, because it improves the taste of the food and gives it, it is very easy to cross the red line consumption. Many processed food products high in salt (sodium). According to experts in the field of medicine, including the average salt existing and above all what is desirable. Excessive salt intake causes high blood pressure. Seniors, it may also lead to osteoporosis.
Vitamins and dietary supplements - vitamins, minerals and other supplements, although they meet the specific nutritional needs, they can not provide all the essentials needed for proper nutrition food. People who eat a varied and healthy menu, consisting of foods from the food groups with respect to the original and the correct amount, do not need extra vitamins and minerals regularly. In case there is a need nutritional supplements, you should consult your doctor.
What drink? - Water has a role and its role in the process that occurs in the body. Water is the main component of blood and excess fluid in the body. Water played a vital role in the breakdown and digestion of food and transportation to all the body's cells. They also have a role in removing waste from the body, metabolism, regulation of body temperature and other important activities. In fact, the body can not function without water. Our bodies lose water constantly as a result of movements, breathing, sweating, urinating and bowel. We should go back to him from drinking water to maintain fluid balance. Despite the presence of water in the food we eat, especially fruits and vegetables, and usually this amount is sufficient amount of water from the body. It is therefore necessary to keep the drinking water.
Education incorrect eating habits
"Adam atonement his office" (a tribute Na, CA), the center of the Jewish temple, which is the abode of divine presence, is the office of the person, and compare the Elders of the altar. Temple altar pieces animal and plant and silent victims "Women became the fragrance of the Lord" (Leviticus A, T). So far, we eat every day, especially on Saturdays and holidays, so much so a victim, when it's the strength of our bodies is to serve Gd in the Torah study, prayer and celebration. Wash your hands, blessing the food and other greeting familiar issues and meal, and became the material of the Jews eat the sacred work.
"At first, Israel MediaWiki installation sites Roosters host screen in the trash, even Moses came and held them while eating" (days, voting, CA). Sages comment here and elsewhere, I mean the size of the importance of regular meals. These diets, as they are based on balanced food groups, providing the body what it needs at the time that needs the presence and action.
Sages put a special focus on eating breakfast, the important thing is to eat bread or cereal. This meal gives strength and energy level throughout the day physical and cognitive level. In general, when we build our meals diet and regular, balanced, and a feeling of fullness and reduces the need for excessive eating between meals.
? Breakfast, - "Why has called the disease and started every person body anything else, a disease that eighty-three severe diseases Tloiin Mara and foremost, breakfast, and salt and a jug of water Mbtltn our rabbis taught thirteen things that were told the morning PAAT: save sun and. the cold and tort and Hmzikin and waiting for a sucker and gets by law to study the Torah and teach and comments Nsmain samples held in the hand, not the flesh steams and needed his wife nor the desire of another woman, and kills called intestinal brown, some say even take jealousy and puts love ... (BBA Metzia Cass, CA).
At the dinner table - and we are keen on washing hands and reciting the prayer, so we have to maintain the ethics and good eating habits. These habits increase the body's ability to digest and absorb nutrients properly, including: a. This should be a meeting. B. Do not put large amounts of food every mouth. C. It is very important to chew the food well and comfortably. Dr.. It is advisable to stop eating before feeling full feel full. E. and preferably more and not to drink during the meal, but waited until the food begins to be digested (about 20 minutes), and then drink a large. And. Do not participate in strenuous physical activity immediately after a meal, you should wait until Itacl food.
Here are some of the laws Festival "and Shulhan Aaruch summary" (Mark MAP):
Do not eat and drink through human greed. Do not eat or drink divider divider. Will be covered with a clean slate and beautiful so that he does not just eat everything that is not important. No clutch, large eggs and eat a slice, and will not bring food from his hand and tearing his scarlet fever.
ISOC not slice and put on the table, or urea to another, or in a bowl, because that is his friend Mouse. Do not drink from the cup and give his friend a drink allowed.
Not Shihin meal Torah even a risk that sooner go down the wrong ... but not in the lactation period, the table orders to say the words of the Torah, and watch out for each other a lot.
You can not throw bread even if this is not enough, because the injection contempt. And other types of foods, if we threw Nmasin prohibited by injection.