It divides a lot of
specialists, scientists mental disorders into two main groups schizophrenic
disorders of mood disorders
In general psychiatric interim in nature and people who suffer from it to return to a natural state is usually between These seizures are considered and this does not happen to most patients with schizophrenia
Characteristic of schizophrenia symptoms is a disorder of thought, perception, emotional changes such as stress or depression, and behavioral disorders ranging from catalepsy to ferment violent delusions with the loss of contact with reality that a person with schizophrenia seems to withdraw into his own world
A milder form of the disorder Schizophrenia is a personality disorder qualitative divided and most forms is schizophrenia deteriorating chronic While turmoil trauma life occurrence is often the associated reasons truth of schizophrenia is not known, however many theories, some believe that schizophrenia is hereditary and evidence that there are some cases caused by inherited in Chemistry the body and the brain chemistry which are called neurotransmitters that work abnormally Others embrace the theory that schizophrenia results from external factors, such as complications during childbirth head injury in response to a virus or environmental toxins that reach the brain and destroy
There is a high incidence of head injuries in childhood and birth complications in people with schizophrenia and there is also a wide range of medications cause symptoms of schizophrenia
In general psychiatric interim in nature and people who suffer from it to return to a natural state is usually between These seizures are considered and this does not happen to most patients with schizophrenia
Characteristic of schizophrenia symptoms is a disorder of thought, perception, emotional changes such as stress or depression, and behavioral disorders ranging from catalepsy to ferment violent delusions with the loss of contact with reality that a person with schizophrenia seems to withdraw into his own world
A milder form of the disorder Schizophrenia is a personality disorder qualitative divided and most forms is schizophrenia deteriorating chronic While turmoil trauma life occurrence is often the associated reasons truth of schizophrenia is not known, however many theories, some believe that schizophrenia is hereditary and evidence that there are some cases caused by inherited in Chemistry the body and the brain chemistry which are called neurotransmitters that work abnormally Others embrace the theory that schizophrenia results from external factors, such as complications during childbirth head injury in response to a virus or environmental toxins that reach the brain and destroy
There is a high incidence of head injuries in childhood and birth complications in people with schizophrenia and there is also a wide range of medications cause symptoms of schizophrenia