Syphilis is a sexually transmitted diseases, caused by bacteria screw, these types of bacteria that cannot be grown in the laboratory; and due to their small size so cannot be seen under an optical microscope.
The dangers of syphilis ...
It affects the eyes and lead to the visually impaired Disturbances in vision Occurrence of chronic inflammation in the retina and iris It may lead to blindness patient holistically Lead to cirrhosis of the liver, and the resulting inflation and in the spleen The patient feels pain in the right area and swelling in the abdomen as a result of the accumulation of fluid Injury bouts of vomiting High temperature
Relationship syphilis acoustic Boil able .....
The disease affects the vocal cords leading to the emergence of hoarseness in the voice of the patient It leads to chronic inflammation of the tongue, with some cracks Lead to the patient feeling pain when eating food It leads to increased likelihood of developing cancer due to the injury of the tongue Injury to the tongue when syphilis patients may increase the likelihood of cancer in which