Passing the virus, after the acquisition, period of incubation within the body lasts three to six days, followed by infection may occur in one stage or in two stages. The first phase, they are "severe" and cause, usually, in the incidence of fever, muscle pain and severe back pain, headache, shivering, loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting. And improving the conditions of most of the patients and their symptoms disappear after the passage of three to four days.
However, 15% of patients enter a second phase more toxicity within 24 hours of the expiration of the first phase. It is noticeable return of high fever and damaged several organs of the body. Soon, jaundice appears on the patient, who becomes suffering from abdominal pain with vomiting. It can be bleeding from the mouth, nose or eyes or stomach. When that happens, blood appears in the vomit and feces. This phase is also characterized by the deterioration of renal function. Under half of the patients who enter the toxic phase die within 10 to 14 days, and the rest of similar patients to heal without any significant damage to the membership.
It is worth mentioning that yellow fever is difficult to diagnose, especially during the early stages. It can be confused with severe malaria and dengue fever and leptospirosis, viral hepatitis (especially flash patterns of inflammatory hepatitis B and D) and other types of hemorrhagic fever (fever Bolivian and Argentine and Venezuelan hemorrhagic and those resulting from other yellowed viruses such as West Nile virus and a virus Zia and others) and other diseases, as well as cases of poisoning. The blood tests can reveal yellow fever antibodies that secrete in response to infection. And it used several other techniques to detect the virus in the blood or liver samples collected from the patient after his death weave. And requires those tests Mokhtprien staff of highly skilled and specialized devices and equipment.