What is a breast cancer marker

To know the signs and symptoms of the disease early is the first road to recovery without causing permanent damage to human health and breast cancer is a tumor that affects humans and can lead to death in many cases do not deal with it early, it can also lead to loss breast many of the ladies, and despite the fact that breast cancer associated with infection by the ladies as a result of awareness campaigns that have spread in many countries in the world to reduce the incidence of this disease but this cancer also affects men, but by less than the ladies and can identify cancer markers breast before conducting laboratory tests by the so-called self-examination, which is based on the observation of symptoms. Doctors are advised to conduct self-examination on a regular basis a month for women who are over the age of thirty in addition to an annual examination of phenomenal. And the examination procedure homemade after the first week of the end of menstruation and inspection steps are made through visual observation of changes in the breast by standing in front of the mirror and comparing the size of the breasts and auditor in the presence of sagging or swelling in one breast and note the presence of changes in the skin of the breast and nipple in terms of the emergence of a rough area or the occurrence of cracks in the nipple or surrounding and the region after the end of the first phase of the visual inspection is manual scan by sensing the presence of tumors in the armpit or any area of ​​the region in the same breast, and through pressure on the breast and trying to figure out action the existence of fossilized lumps within the breast. And the third phase is to examine the nipple and around through gently squeeze it and see if the secretion of fluids or yellow lesions occurred, and that the fluid be accompanied by blood in some cases. The incidence of breast cancer is not accompanied by pain in the majority of cases, as is widespread in the incidence of tumors, but that in some cases feel infected topical tingling sensation in the breast area that such testing involves identifying all the signs that may indicate breast cancer and, if found those marks, or one of them, so the woman to go urgently to conduct a regular check to make sure the presence of infection or not.