Where it comes from cancer

Cancer is a disease one of the most famous modern-day diseases, which claimed the lives of many people, especially during the last century and cancer is not a disease and the only one it is a group of diseases that share a way of occurrence which is for a mutation in the DNA of humans and lead to a change in the command stored in the DNA of cells that result in for a disorder where in the command stored in these cells which causes their growth and development and division manner cells cannot be corrected by the cells would evolve and grow differently from healthy cells, and some mutations that occur in cells lead to prolong their life for healthy cells, leading to accumulation and this causes what is known as cancerous tumors caused by certain types of cancers, but not all.
Cancers usually are advanced stage of genetic aberrations that occur within the cells which occur normally as a result of infection or chronic inflammation may also occur due to exposure to radiation Kalona UV from the sun, which are growing in their access to land as a result of the erosion of the ozone layer, or may be as a result of certain chemicals, such as those that occur in war or in everyday environment, while others may also generate these various distractions. The different symptoms of various cancers, according to the affected area may cause lung cancer, for example, shortness of breath while blood bleeding cancer may cause more and inflation in the liver but on the whole and cause cancers some symptoms which all share cough and constant high degree of patient temperature in addition to the pain that be severe usually to the point of intolerable without drugs and painkillers and treatments are different also cause cancers difficult to eat as well as the emergence of a huge block down the skin in case of tumors cancerous as they cause some wounds that do not heal with time and body weight change, too. As for the treatment of cancer, which is incomplete yet it is considered a subject of studies and research and different that are made in all regions around the world depend on the type of injury, place and the stage reached by her injury and is also dependent on consultation with the patient himself because there are pros and cons for each way different treatment which also differ in their pain and suffering caused to the patient that, but on the whole the development of cancer treatments significantly from the previous and increased cases of recovery from the disease significantly, due to the early detection of cancer, which is easier and more likely to be cured when it is in its infancy.