The open-heart operation of processes that require high accuracy and to an experienced surgeon and highly efficient as it is one of the most dangerous operations and the most difficult and require time and effort, and then the patient needs to recuperate in order to begin, to recover his health and well-being, the doctor decides to conduct open-heart operation at the entry into force of the alternatives that may help the patient such as medicines and other means, where the subject of a discussion process with the patient, quite frankly, and explain to him the extent of difficulty and accuracy and symptoms in advanced stage and trust in God eventually.
Opportunity for successful operation
Success of the process of human age and structure of the body is linked to whether strong or not, there are exceptional cases may not be for the life of a ruling in which Many adults in age and those over seventy years of age and underwent open-heart surgery and the operation succeeded and continue to now enjoy full health and well-being, and there are two small people in age and have undergone this process did not succeed, then we conclude from the foregoing that the process results first and foremost is an estimate of the Almighty God, and secondly choose a surgeon efficient within the medical staff Ma her, and there are occasional reasons may sometimes affect the success of the open such as high blood sugar and high blood pressure is high blood sugar is dangerous for Inch may hinder wound healing and cure has been exposed to several infections and perhaps doubling it to bleeding. As one of the important things that are considered the biggest helper process to be successful is a strong patient will and accommodated to the idea of the process and assume the results will of iron these things help the patient a speedy recovery and the recovery of his health in advance faster, there are some patients believe that open-heart operation is the end of the world and it will negatively affect the human health and life and the practise of daily work, although there are many who conducted the operation practicing their lives normally and is much better than the previous