Wrong habits increase the weight quickly

We used since childhood to some food wrong behaviors that do not know the value of their results adverse effects on health and fitness so increase of our weight fast and unexpected manner other than overeating and laziness, indigestion that may be caused by the dietary habits wrong, here's the wrong food habits that lead counterproductive to your health and increase of weight quickly to abandon it as much as possible
Eating sweets after the meal
It is one of the worst habits that do all women, without exception, that has become part and parcel of everyday Slukiathn They eat many different desserts sugars after the completion of the basic eating the meal.
The truth is that we do not give our body what it needs at the moment of food begins indigestion nor could the digestive tract of the exercise done in private if Tableau ensure our food, which turns directly into fat hard to shake when mixed with sugars that have been taken after the completion of the meal.
This completely Stay away from this bad habit and Replace your intake of sweets a few fresh fruit sugars to be addressed after the completion of the food around
 Digest food in a healthy and sound.
Integrated meal should contain meat
Of the most important dietary habits wrong mistakes that we have become accustomed is that there is still a belief that meat is the only source of protein for this meal is not complete without their presence and this is totally wrong belief because grains and vegetables can be integrated meal nutrients without meat that we were fat that are difficult to get rid of them as distance.
It's usually food wrong we have become accustomed since childhood, when he tells us parents need to address fully the food until the very end and the fact that we as a sign of devotion to the guest may fill a serving dish amount exceeds its energies and this consequently causes bloating, indigestion and then an abnormal increase in weight in an expeditious manner and that even if Being possible filling dishes presentation until the end, but you also completely stop eating as soon as you feel full.
Tips for changing eating habits
- Limit the amount of oil when cooking small spoon, for example, add just 3 teaspoons broth to which mined.
- Prepare Food always grilled Initially cannot accept this kind of cuisine, but you Stat din this matter after a while.
- Limit the use of salt gradually.
- Limit the time to eat with attention to stop eating three hours of sleep before at least.
- Avoid eating foods rich in carbohydrates Ker and others during the night because they increase obesity.
- Choose the tasty snacks and healthy, such as fruits or dark Olchiokulath or dried fruit or popcorn to be addressed during the day.
- Limit the foods you like to be addressed at every meal because this will help you eat less food.
- Drink a liter and a half liter to two liters of water per day.
- Weekend Choose healthy foods not to eat Elian randomly.
- Exercise half an hour two to three times a w