The heart is the central strongest
muscle in the human body is this muscle to pump blood to all parts of the body
tirelessly and boredom throughout the life of a human muscle involuntary any
man cannot be controlled at all. Heart contains four stone Brining and Opinion
blood enters the heart through the ventricle and atrium who shall Doha to the
lungs to get oxygen and then pump this blood oxidized to all parts of the body
through the left side of the heart of this process and is done with each
contraction of the heart of the process and what you know Bland attack. Pulsing
heart of the natural man per minute between 60 to 100 beats per minute,
depending on the effort that the human Bay has more than that in the case of
the great effort. This great machine is based on pumping massive amounts of
blood in each pulse and strongly too enormous. The case of heart palpitations
are an anomaly in the work of the heart muscle and can say it in a simple, is a
case in which the human heart feels strikes abnormally impulses and be more
than the normal limit or less than without the effort calls for it. Sometimes
this is accidental does not constitute any seriousness at all Ton just electric
charge launched a pulse or a few pulses abnormally spoke not of their human
feel, but in the case of a sense of the need to focus on the recurrence of many
repetitions of this case is evidence of a malfunction in the work of the heart
muscle and the call to go to the doctor and get immediate treatment. In the
case of heart palpitations patients can be treated by drugs which are based on
the heart electricity regulation to be impulses are Tableau which is effective
in minor cases, as well as with aerobic exercise is very beneficial for the
heart, such as walking and Swedish In cases medium can be a temporary device to
regulate the heartbeat put a very useful in the case of low heartbeat. In
severe cases of heart palpitations, which are due to Flicker fibrillation or atria
flutter, or tachycardia fibrillation shall be through the de-reasoned flutter
or Flicker or palpitations non Tableau also been treated by medication that the
doctor concerned as to the patient depending on his condition and his need. The
cases of heart palpitations and related ventricle of and palpitations and flap
shall be processed through the heart electrode which is laying a permanent body
to regulate the heartbeat and remover of shiver, but this is the last resort in
the treatment where it can begin drug treatment or de-causing region of this
case and the appropriate doctor is best able to diagnose situation and give the
necessary treatment and the best for each individual case. It should be noted
not to wait if you feel in this situation if repeated evidence of a defect in
the work of the heart muscle must be addressed immediately.