Lung cancer is a cause of the first death, which occur as a result of cancer, both among women or among men. And sign a number of lung cancer victims a year, which is much reaping colon cancer, prostate cancer, lymphoma and breast cancer combined contract cancer largest. With nearly 1.8 million deaths in 2012.
Nevertheless, it can prevent most of the deaths from lung cancer because of smoking is responsible for nearly 90 per cent of all lung cancer cases. The proportion of lung cancer risk increases exponentially depending on the year and the number of cigarettes smoked.
Quitting smoking, even after long and for many years can reduce the risk of lung cancer significantly. It can also reduce the risk of lung cancer by avoiding exposure to other factors
that cause lung cancer, such as exposure
(Asbestos) for radon and secondhand smoke.
Symptoms of lung cancer ........!
Symptoms of lung cancer do not appear in its early stages in most cases. Often the symptoms of lung cancer appear only when the disease has reached an advanced stage already.
Symptoms include lung cancer include:
• cough Newcomer shows and disappears
• changes in existing chronic cough or cough in smokers
• cough accompanied by bloody Cough even if very little so-called jet of blood ( Homeostasis )
• shortness of breath
• pain in the chest
• Hoarseness
• (Pan cots Syndrome) and whose sorrows in the shoulder area and around the tumor as a result of pressure on the nerves
• (Superior Verna Ava Syndrome), a condition feeling of fullness in the head and shortness of breath in the emergence of the veins in the chest and edema (edema) in the face.