Project bathroom converts the law sexually failed in the state Legislature Tibias

Project bathroom transgender law fails sexually in the Legislative Council of the mandate Ti bias Monday after the House sponsor, she said she was withdrawing the legislation while waiting to see how the legal challenges play out in other states that have passed similar measures


The demise of the bill in the wake of intense lobbying from both supporters and opponents of the measure and questions about the potential economic fallout if it becomes law.

He said Rep. Susan Lynn of Mount Juliet Republican who sponsored the bill in the House that she needed to tweak the legislation before bringing it back again next year.

"There are definitely some issues that need to work out, said Lin. "We know as soon as this law passes and we're going to Madhouse The If we're going to be heading to a lawsuit and we want to make sure we have the strongest possible position.

The draft law that requires all students in public schools and universities to use the bathrooms and locker rooms that corresponds to their gender at birth.

Supporters said they were protecting the privacy of students. He called on opponents discrimination.

It was Lin amend the law so students who objected could give an alternative, but opponents said he still hurtful toward transgender students sexually. He pulled this procedure the same day that a coalition of religious works council's family from the state of Ti bias and about 30 priests urged lawmakers earlier in the day to stand strong in the face of stiff opposition.

They asked lawmakers to ignore the "false prophecies of economic gloom and doom foreign companies and instead listen to the pioneers of the church, parents and voters in the state Ti bias.

He accused David Fowler, president of the Council of Labor's family from the state of Ti bias and the failure of the bill on "consistent opposition from the governor and other office."

"We join the thousands of parents across the country who are deeply disappointed because at this stage of the MP process Lin decided not to proceed with a bill that would simply protect children who put their trust in our public schools specificity said Fowler in a statement.

Henry SI NON a senior, said the Beech High School in Huntsville and transgender students that he could not understand why lawmakers were targeting people like him now.

"I feel like I feel singled out and stigmatized Sea ton he said earlier in the day.

The prosecutor in the state has issued an opinion saying that the state risked losing federal education funds if the measure became law and put more than $ 1.three billion at risk. There was also a backlash from the business community.

Leaders of 60 companies, including senior executives and Williams Sonora Hilton Worldwide and T-Cellular signed a letter last week that asked deputies Tennessee rejected a draft law of the bathroom, saying it is discriminatory.

Tennessee Governor Bill Assam, who said he had received e-mails from a number of business calls about this procedure has raised concerns that the state may lose funding for education if the measure becomes ever law. Lin said she had spoken to her peace before taking out the bill.

We have had discussions on this topic Lin said those talks had to do with the timing had to do with the strategy and had to do with some of the outstanding issues that we probably need to be addressed in legislation

She still supports the move

"I feel very passionately about this issue," she said. "I truly believe that children should only be used 'room and the girls must use the girls in the boys room.