What is prostate cancer

The prostate is one present in the body in males only and is primarily responsible for the seminal fluid that facilitates the process of sperm move to the inside of the uterus and the composition glands help the liquid to keep the sperm alive for a longer time until the fertilization of the egg and prostate cancer is a cancer that affects those gland, where are named cancer as the region, which shows where the human body and is characterized by tumor cells that appear in the prostate as slow deployment and growth mostly but on the other side, they can spread from the prostate to other parts of the body rapidly, especially the bones and lymph lymphoma and prostate cancer around the world ratios vary this is more prevalent in developed by countries in the developing countries and may be due to the discovery of the disease rates where no symptoms of many of those infected show no access to appropriate treatment and is often the cause of death is related disease.

For the symptoms of prostate cancer it is not clear in the early stages and have similarities in a few cases with cases of benign prostate that affects men over the age of fifty-year inflation in terms of prostate cancer is more common to those are also the age group and early symptoms include frequent urination and difficulty in the beginning urinate and pain or presence of blood during urination and those symptoms or one only people with cancer appear on the one-third of patients in the prostate and